JSON-Log Parsing With stern and jq

In many projects we use JSON as log format since it inheritly bears structure and thus is easy to process by log-aggregators (i.e. AWS CloudWatch autom. discovers fields from json just like fluentd). ...

May 7, 2020 · 2 min · schoeffm

Troubleshooting Containerized Java Applications via JMX

When developing JEE applications these days we not only deploy ‘em as containerized apps but (at least in my teams) also use containers for local development. One issue I was confronted with the other day was a performance bug with one of our apps. Back in the days I’d have just fired up VisualVM to connect to the local process causing trouble - but now, the process to attach to doesn’t run locally anymore. ...

May 2, 2020 · 6 min · schoeffm

Switching JAX-RS serializer in payara

When working with Payara I stumble every once in a while over JSON-serialization issues. Payara v4 uses MOXy as default provider while Payara v5 comes with JsonB-support which apparently makes use of Yasson. Although, after moving from v4 to v5 I’m fine with the JsonB-default it may still be useful to use Jackson as JSON provider instead of the default one (to be honest, many things just worked out-of-the-box with Jackson like reflective access to props (no extra getter necessary) or support for Maps etc....

January 16, 2020 · 1 min · schoeffm